Delbert TP
I spent the summer travelling and teaching and I got some things to tell you about. Now I got spoiled on my toilet paper at home and forgot how bad it could get. They got this stuff that's recycling. That's too much for me!
They got stuff here that just won't do the job, so to speak, But (ha ha) it'll sure rip the skin off of your rump! What i can't figure out is how it takes your skin off, but don't get at what it's supposed to! How is that possible? is that what recyling means?
I try to fit in around here and not stick out like a sunflower in a pea patch. But, I just got to draw the line somewhere! You remember ol' Uncle Zeph's cabin up on Coondog Knob? He was always too cheap to buy paper and the ol' coot couldn't read neither. There weren't nothing but corncobs!
I'm here telling you right now those corncobs didn't hurt no worse than this here paper does! And furthermore, them cobs took off both your skin and what it needed to. At least the when you was bleding you knew you were clean! Here you're bleeding and needing another go at it!
Maybe that's what folks mean when they say Czech is tight-asses. Cause you sure do clinch up when you know that paper is coming to recycle on your butt!