There's no ocean or sea near here, but that never stopped a Czech from trying. They finally got pirates over here now. There's actually different kinds of pirates. There's the pirates that steal video and stuff from the internet, there the political pirate too. But they ain't the pirates I'm worried about. It's when you take to the wide open concrete of the 'D-1" that you have to be on guard. They'll keelhaul you for sure.
Now the most famous of all is Pirate 2222. He's a particularly evil one. He escapes imprisonment every time he strikes. And when he strikes, he strikes fast and hard!
(Now this is in Czech and you'll have to watch a short reclaimer, that's commercial in English)
This ain't the only time ol 2222 has struck. He's also known for cutting in front of you and braking hard causing you to crash.
I assume what happens next is plundering and looting, as they fancy themselves pirates. But I ain't heard about it yet. And they is spreading These pirates are striking all over the country,
and abroad! Soon all Europe will be afraid of the czech pirates out there waiting to strike!
Here's an article about one that struck in Germany!