Well, shake my seeds and call me a gourd! It’s great to see so many folks visiting. I never thought I’d get 1,000 folks here reading my letters home. Only reason i started was because it was free and a letter took 10 days and cost about a dollar. Of course now it’s more like $10 !!! So i’ll keep on posting them here. Confound it! Why don’t that I ever work? It did that time. I want to be the first person of non Czech roots or kin to weigh in on the topic of every Spring. Socks and sandals. Tarnation what’s the deal anyway? You get used to it. After a bit it really is nice. Heck, I’ll never go back to sockless!
It can get chilly all the sudden around these parts. You’ll be glad you have those socks on then! Go to a pub? Got to drain the main vein? You better hope you got socks! All that ricochet around the feet area ain’t pleasant. Unless you’ve got one of them there elevated ones not the full length. Still a problem! Still splashes around. I don’t want my bare feet in there. A layer of cloth is just what i like. (There went that i again)
And FYI! Naked feet ain’t so pretty. Don’t matter none what color you paint your nails if your foot is black from dust. And it’s a lot easir to have a spare pair of socks than feet!
Top 5 reasons to wear socks with sandals:
5 You blend in and are less likeley to be ripped off.
4 Can still hide money in your socks! I ain’t heard of no pick
socks around here.
3 Spills, trash, and such can make those socks nice.
2 You can fill a sock with change and “whop” somebody up side
the side of their face, being sure to catch the nose real
1 The number one reason, pan. Jeden, mR. Uno, is:
Dog crap is everwhere. You always try to watch, but
sometimes it happens, “Sploooosh” You know you kind of slide
in it too. Now every Czech gets upset, “Do Pizza! Co to je!
Kgdo mam pes velkly jak tak.” Then there’s some other words
might not be for all to hear. But if you got a sock on, it
ain’t so bad. You just peel that one off and toss it away.
Socks ain’t too big and if you’re prepared; a pair in your
day sack is just what the doctor ordered and you’re on your
way. No fuss, peel and dispose.
That’s the top 5 resons. If you got more, post them! Don’t be afraid. Join in. Let’s see what you got.
Now just a randomn complaint. I got a new DVD payer. It’s a Thompson. I like to watch my films and pause and zoom in on important things, like the program on a vintage NASCAR race. You see the darnedest things when you stop and zoom in there. I really use that feature, but the durnded thing is too small.My thumb covers four buttons at any time. If i get in a hurry and try to stop and zoom too fast, it goes double time and on zoom x2. I had to get a pencil with an an eraser on it to use casue my fingers was too big.
AND the damned shame of it is who are they selling them to anyway? We need remotes that are man sized and you can grip it and squeeze it and make it your friend.
Dvd plyers one more. What’t this story about a new kind? Dangit I got burnt by beta and i don’t want a repeat of that.
I got the dukes on the way. Had Andy since Christmas, and got the hillbillys too! Not them damned squid ones! They ought to be chopped up into cod bait! (insert image bair\ter)
I gueus that about it for today. Been a complicated weekend wit a woman winnin an indy race. But she ain’t going to do it at the 500. Wish i could be there. I am sad and miss both the derby and the 500. But I hope to build a grill out on the balcony soon so, ribs are first.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
falf full or half empty??
It was a real nice weekend and I went outside to shoot some pictures. Along the way I came across a “Hospado” that’s a place to buy beer and no food. Although they might have some pickled cheese or sausages. Although I ain’t seen no pickled pig’s feet nor eggs much, I have seen some pickled eel wrapped up in onion.
Anyway,! I was sitting there and squinting from the sun and writing things to think about, things to do, and things to think about doing. The spring sun was just right and the pivo was no more than a mortal has a right to expect in this world. I was just about in my own private Heaven. The birds was a twittering and flowers was hanging from the trees and things was what you hope for and when you get it you appreaciate it. Until, that is, until this yammering idiot sat down next to me. How did he know I wasn’t czech? How did he know to speak English and inflict me with his whateverthehellyoucallitwouldntshutupaboutandmusthavebeenimportantbutillbedamnedificared.
Well, I tried to ignore him and pretend I didn’t understand because I just lived here, but he kept on. This yahoo kept on and bought me a beer so I left my own private paradise in the leaves and sunlight and thudded down to my chair.
Maybe this feller seen my scowl and thunk it was a frown and I was in need of consoling. Well, I was in need of consoling for one of them moments you remember for ages had been cut short. So the feller says, “Tis better to be an optimist and proved wrong than a pessimist and proved right.”
Well, at first I wasn’t sure what he was getting at. There’s just too many denominations to keep track of these days. I just sort of looked at him and said I didn’t reckon I was too interested as I was a Baptist and that was enough for me. I reckon God will sort out the pessimists, optimists, and the Espispicalions like he sees fit.
So then the feller puts his glass of pivo in front of me. Here’s what happened next!:
Feller: Look, is this glass half full or half
Me: Well, that depends. Is it mine or is it yours?
Feller: It doesn’t matter! It’s just a beer!
Me: Just a beer?! If you’re talking like that!, it ain’t yours. So is it mine or somebody else’s?
Feller: Who cares! It isn’t important.
Me: I see. And you’re right. It ain’t important. A beer that ain’t mine ain’t important enough to discuss.! ;! Be back in a minute.
( A few minutes later. ;! )
Feller: Ok, It’s your beer on the table.
Me: So, why do I have a beer on the table? Did it appear before I ordered it, or am I coming back from watering the trees, or has it been here all along?
Feller: Whatever!,!.!
Me: Well, your the one making the fuss. Ok, it’s my beer. Is it half full or half empty? It depends. If I have had a gulp or two, it’s half empty. If the waitress brings it to me like this, it’s half full.
Feller: So an optimist sees it half full and a pessimist half empty! Why are you a pessimst?
Me: So, you’re saying that a good day is run of the mill, and a bad day is special? I say a bad day is run of the mill and a good day is something special. I like my special days to be good ones. Now about the beer. It seems to me an optimist is going to die of thrist waiting for that half full beer to finish getting full, while I am going to enjoy helping this half empty beer accomplish it’s goal.
© 2008 April 13 2008
(No shit!)
Anyway,! I was sitting there and squinting from the sun and writing things to think about, things to do, and things to think about doing. The spring sun was just right and the pivo was no more than a mortal has a right to expect in this world. I was just about in my own private Heaven. The birds was a twittering and flowers was hanging from the trees and things was what you hope for and when you get it you appreaciate it. Until, that is, until this yammering idiot sat down next to me. How did he know I wasn’t czech? How did he know to speak English and inflict me with his whateverthehellyoucallitwouldntshutupaboutandmusthavebeenimportantbutillbedamnedificared.
Well, I tried to ignore him and pretend I didn’t understand because I just lived here, but he kept on. This yahoo kept on and bought me a beer so I left my own private paradise in the leaves and sunlight and thudded down to my chair.
Maybe this feller seen my scowl and thunk it was a frown and I was in need of consoling. Well, I was in need of consoling for one of them moments you remember for ages had been cut short. So the feller says, “Tis better to be an optimist and proved wrong than a pessimist and proved right.”
Well, at first I wasn’t sure what he was getting at. There’s just too many denominations to keep track of these days. I just sort of looked at him and said I didn’t reckon I was too interested as I was a Baptist and that was enough for me. I reckon God will sort out the pessimists, optimists, and the Espispicalions like he sees fit.
So then the feller puts his glass of pivo in front of me. Here’s what happened next!:
Feller: Look, is this glass half full or half
Me: Well, that depends. Is it mine or is it yours?
Feller: It doesn’t matter! It’s just a beer!
Me: Just a beer?! If you’re talking like that!, it ain’t yours. So is it mine or somebody else’s?
Feller: Who cares! It isn’t important.
Me: I see. And you’re right. It ain’t important. A beer that ain’t mine ain’t important enough to discuss.! ;! Be back in a minute.
( A few minutes later. ;! )
Feller: Ok, It’s your beer on the table.
Me: So, why do I have a beer on the table? Did it appear before I ordered it, or am I coming back from watering the trees, or has it been here all along?
Feller: Whatever!,!.!
Me: Well, your the one making the fuss. Ok, it’s my beer. Is it half full or half empty? It depends. If I have had a gulp or two, it’s half empty. If the waitress brings it to me like this, it’s half full.
Feller: So an optimist sees it half full and a pessimist half empty! Why are you a pessimst?
Me: So, you’re saying that a good day is run of the mill, and a bad day is special? I say a bad day is run of the mill and a good day is something special. I like my special days to be good ones. Now about the beer. It seems to me an optimist is going to die of thrist waiting for that half full beer to finish getting full, while I am going to enjoy helping this half empty beer accomplish it’s goal.
© 2008 April 13 2008
(No shit!)
Monday, April 14, 2008
I got to take my hat off to this guy!
By Karin Goodwin
AS BRITAIN'S oldest employee, 101-year-old Buster Martin aimed to smash another record yesterday as the world's oldest marathon runner, helped along the gruelling 26.2-mile course with a pint of beer and a cigarette.
Bearded and spritely, the former army physical-training instructor got in shape for yesterday's London marathon in his time off from a plumbing firm. Before setting off, the father of 17, who is also a star with a pop group called The Zimmers, said: "I've said I'll attempt it. I haven't said I'll complete it. I'll do what I always do and have a pint and a fag. People ask what's my secret but I haven't got one. They say fags and booze are bad for you – but I'm still here, aren't I?"Expected to complete the race in 12 hours, he was well on target at the 13-mile mark, where he stopped for a beer, cigarette and some homemade sandwiches.
new news from over here
Hello Hello!
What’s new over here? Nothing much. Weather has been acting up. We had had a hurricaine! Yup, pretty durned near unbelievable since there ain’t no ocean around for miles. Also some mountains between us too. Be kind of like Nebraska getting one. None the less it’s true. It’s name was Emma. Came a roarin through too. Knocked down some trees and light poles and blew out windows too! I got it all on video, but I can’t figure out how to get it on that you-toot site for videos just yet. I promise to let you know when I get it done.
Only the thing is they pronounce it, “U Rah Gan” I heard all the warnings it was coming so I was prepared. I thought a darned big ol urangatang was coming and nobody knew what to do. You see there’s strict gun control over here so when a giant urangatang attacks we is all pretty helpless unless the police manage to, well never mind. The police is too busy with this Krystoff guy they’ve been hunting for a few years now. They set up roadblocks all over the place, but never catch him.
So anyway, if you here something about a bunch of bananas and a really big box, just don’t pay no mind to it. Besides, that box must have blown halway to Kiev.
I been watching some classic Czechoslovakia animation lately, cause the cable company cut off all the good stuff and I ain't gonna stand for it, so I’m getting me a satelitte dish soon. I hope it picks up the bass fishing channel.
Anyway there’s these two fellers, A Je, and To. They kind of like to do it themselves. Now, I didn’t mean what your thinking!,* although they ain’t never got no women around. But, it ain’t like they’s Bert and Ernie or something like that. They got their own apartments. They like to fix things up. Kind of like that show with Jim Allan “Tool Tim” or something like that. Anyway these fellers are better. They’s kind of like Gumby or something and not drawn out.
They is always getting themselves in trouble and making it worse by trying to fix it. Thing is I can never figure out which one is the clumsier? A Je or To? (Pat and Mat)
They started out in commie times and as such their political expressions and messages for human rights and political freedom were often edited out. In fact one of them was forced to wear a "red"”shirt at all times. After each job was completed due to the efficency of Socialist skilled workers, they had to give a commie salute! They took their right fist and put it to their left shoulder. It’s some kind of salute to “Streda Joe”. I ain’t sure who he was. I think it was some kind of Uncle Sam thing, but I ain’t never seen no picture of him. The pressure got the better of them and they quit for awhile.
Then the commies had to move over for democracy!! Yes Sir, it was a good time and everyone was happy and an optimist. (This is a new word I learned and I’ll tell you about it later.) They say the trees bloomed blossoms of gold and honey dripped from the hives and milk spurted from the cow right into your glass 100 meters away. They said springs sprang beer and sausages grew from trees and even death took a holiday! ( I seen a documentary about this. I guess color tv was a little slow in getting here for the democratic movement!, who had to use hand made equipment and film they made themselves.) They say everyone was singing from the windows every morning (I seen this in another documentary about life on a farm. Da Da da da dadadadada) and even the shopkeepers welcomed customers into shops!
The peole talk about it still. It will go do in Czech history right along there with Tomas the Masaryk and the Round Table of the First Republic. They say this time was even more enchanted and amazing! The streets gleamed from the crystal and garnets they were paved with and ordinary railroad stations turned into palaces! Tomas the Masaryk was the wisest most can reckon and talk about, although the stories of King Charlie the Architect are very interesting indeed. It is said he built most of old Prahu single handedly!! At least a bridge, and a college! I gotta admit (see first letter) at first I weren’t none too impressed until I heard this! Now I understand all the “oooh” and “aaahh”ing.
This probably has got something to do with A Je and To being such a folk-like collective sympathetic memory. Sort of like Rabbits and ducks and cats and mice are American cartoon heroes. (upgraded my thesarous program!)
After the commies left, Czech and Slovakia, which was Czehosloavakia decided to call it quits. It was called the velvet divorce. Everything here is velvet. A velvet revolution, divorce, a beer, and who knows what else!
So basically, Czech and Slovakia which was once in the same place, split and they ain’t in the same place no more, cause they is two different countries now. Well, Slovakia got A Je and To. So in order to save their country and boost moral, they stage a comeback.
So they did. They made more episodes free from the yoke of commie tyranny and Czech suppression. But did they lose their edge? Did they need that pressure to push the edge of freedom to really bring out the best?
It depends on who you talk to. Some say they sold out, see the EU flag in Dlazdice. They even ending up on the Fox network for awhile. For many that was just too much. They’d gone hollywood.
Today they are selling DVD’s in newshops and making “best of” collections. Who knows what is in their future? Can they once again get a hold of the root of what made them great and let us laugh once more? We can only hope the EU and Hollywood haven’t destroyed them!
(er, uh, I may have cut and pasted some stuff that wasn’t exactly my own, but it just sounded better than In could have done myself)
· This is a patentened Delbert Peaches © punctuation mark. Del Marks ™ are like this:
· ?! Wow, What question!
· ,! Wow, what a pause!
· .! Wow what a sentence, better pause extra long.
· ;! I’m sneaking out for a smoke.
Then there is the
!? Hell Yeah, maybe.
!, That’s right, And
!: Yes, and more!
What’s new over here? Nothing much. Weather has been acting up. We had had a hurricaine! Yup, pretty durned near unbelievable since there ain’t no ocean around for miles. Also some mountains between us too. Be kind of like Nebraska getting one. None the less it’s true. It’s name was Emma. Came a roarin through too. Knocked down some trees and light poles and blew out windows too! I got it all on video, but I can’t figure out how to get it on that you-toot site for videos just yet. I promise to let you know when I get it done.
Only the thing is they pronounce it, “U Rah Gan” I heard all the warnings it was coming so I was prepared. I thought a darned big ol urangatang was coming and nobody knew what to do. You see there’s strict gun control over here so when a giant urangatang attacks we is all pretty helpless unless the police manage to, well never mind. The police is too busy with this Krystoff guy they’ve been hunting for a few years now. They set up roadblocks all over the place, but never catch him.
So anyway, if you here something about a bunch of bananas and a really big box, just don’t pay no mind to it. Besides, that box must have blown halway to Kiev.
I been watching some classic Czechoslovakia animation lately, cause the cable company cut off all the good stuff and I ain't gonna stand for it, so I’m getting me a satelitte dish soon. I hope it picks up the bass fishing channel.
Anyway there’s these two fellers, A Je, and To. They kind of like to do it themselves. Now, I didn’t mean what your thinking!,* although they ain’t never got no women around. But, it ain’t like they’s Bert and Ernie or something like that. They got their own apartments. They like to fix things up. Kind of like that show with Jim Allan “Tool Tim” or something like that. Anyway these fellers are better. They’s kind of like Gumby or something and not drawn out.
They is always getting themselves in trouble and making it worse by trying to fix it. Thing is I can never figure out which one is the clumsier? A Je or To? (Pat and Mat)
They started out in commie times and as such their political expressions and messages for human rights and political freedom were often edited out. In fact one of them was forced to wear a "red"”shirt at all times. After each job was completed due to the efficency of Socialist skilled workers, they had to give a commie salute! They took their right fist and put it to their left shoulder. It’s some kind of salute to “Streda Joe”. I ain’t sure who he was. I think it was some kind of Uncle Sam thing, but I ain’t never seen no picture of him. The pressure got the better of them and they quit for awhile.
Then the commies had to move over for democracy!! Yes Sir, it was a good time and everyone was happy and an optimist. (This is a new word I learned and I’ll tell you about it later.) They say the trees bloomed blossoms of gold and honey dripped from the hives and milk spurted from the cow right into your glass 100 meters away. They said springs sprang beer and sausages grew from trees and even death took a holiday! ( I seen a documentary about this. I guess color tv was a little slow in getting here for the democratic movement!, who had to use hand made equipment and film they made themselves.) They say everyone was singing from the windows every morning (I seen this in another documentary about life on a farm. Da Da da da dadadadada) and even the shopkeepers welcomed customers into shops!
The peole talk about it still. It will go do in Czech history right along there with Tomas the Masaryk and the Round Table of the First Republic. They say this time was even more enchanted and amazing! The streets gleamed from the crystal and garnets they were paved with and ordinary railroad stations turned into palaces! Tomas the Masaryk was the wisest most can reckon and talk about, although the stories of King Charlie the Architect are very interesting indeed. It is said he built most of old Prahu single handedly!! At least a bridge, and a college! I gotta admit (see first letter) at first I weren’t none too impressed until I heard this! Now I understand all the “oooh” and “aaahh”ing.
This probably has got something to do with A Je and To being such a folk-like collective sympathetic memory. Sort of like Rabbits and ducks and cats and mice are American cartoon heroes. (upgraded my thesarous program!)
After the commies left, Czech and Slovakia, which was Czehosloavakia decided to call it quits. It was called the velvet divorce. Everything here is velvet. A velvet revolution, divorce, a beer, and who knows what else!
So basically, Czech and Slovakia which was once in the same place, split and they ain’t in the same place no more, cause they is two different countries now. Well, Slovakia got A Je and To. So in order to save their country and boost moral, they stage a comeback.
So they did. They made more episodes free from the yoke of commie tyranny and Czech suppression. But did they lose their edge? Did they need that pressure to push the edge of freedom to really bring out the best?
It depends on who you talk to. Some say they sold out, see the EU flag in Dlazdice. They even ending up on the Fox network for awhile. For many that was just too much. They’d gone hollywood.
Today they are selling DVD’s in newshops and making “best of” collections. Who knows what is in their future? Can they once again get a hold of the root of what made them great and let us laugh once more? We can only hope the EU and Hollywood haven’t destroyed them!
(er, uh, I may have cut and pasted some stuff that wasn’t exactly my own, but it just sounded better than In could have done myself)
· This is a patentened Delbert Peaches © punctuation mark. Del Marks ™ are like this:
· ?! Wow, What question!
· ,! Wow, what a pause!
· .! Wow what a sentence, better pause extra long.
· ;! I’m sneaking out for a smoke.
Then there is the
!? Hell Yeah, maybe.
!, That’s right, And
!: Yes, and more!
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