Thursday, January 31, 2008

news update

The news today, or yesterday evening.

The news weren’t so interesting. But there was a couple of stories stood out.

From Nova was the one about Trava babi. This old granny from up around Bruntal got introuble for growing that wacky weed. They caught her with about 5 pounds. She looked about 70 something. She said she was only growing because she has the “excema” and she rubs it on them to make them feel better. Now, that ain’t shocking because I heard this one before. Out there in Mozekojedy a couple of the old timers swear by it! I guess happy feet ain’t all looking like a snake in mid-shed.
From YeeHa lava:
A bunch of teenagers done went and got themselves polluted! Now, i happen to know report cards is due tomorrow, so maybe they was just trying to have a last one before the hide tanning starts! Weren’t the brightest idea though.

Seems a little feller named Lukas got some fingers whacked off at the theater. Plopped down in the chair and his fingers weren’t in the right place.

There’s a czech version of Harry potter due out tonight (last night) at midnight.
Now, what are they doing having their own Harry Potter? Honza keramikar?
This one was from prima.

Now CTV1 is just not keeping up with the other two. However, they did show President Klaus and you know what? I’ll be dipped in donuts if he ain’t the spitting image of Opie Taylor, but old.

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