Thursday, May 26, 2011

Radek John using guerillas!

Well, first off let me apologize for the spelling mistake, but that's how some folks over here spell gorillas!
It seems this here John feller is using gorillas on the internet! I seen some dhows on gorillas that could use that finger talking. I also seen some who could paint. So I reckon it might be possible to teach them to use the internet.
(if you want to read the article, just click on the title of this post! Ain't that something?)

I reckon some of the ex-pats around here that post on a certain site or two is gorillas too. They probably just change the keyboard a bit so when the hit a button that looks like a banana or an orange something like, "The restaurant is great" "Where's the pepper?" "There's a cricket match on" " I met a rude czech" PEE YOU!". It would explain a lot the more you think about it.
The article even says they're using the gorillas to go marketing for them.

Now I just have to say I think the use of gorillas to back a political party is dangerous. Those gorillas might start learning things and then what? I'll tell you you what! Have you ever seen the Planet of the Apes???
Just think about it!
Who wants a bunch of angry corrupt good-for-nothing gorillas running their government?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

new offer, forum poster!

Seems I have a new job offer. All I got to do is talk about how good a certain site is in their forums and I'll be called a staff member and I can even make ideas about new looks too!

Sunday, May 8, 2011