Friday, April 15, 2011

Klaus, the pen thief

Our president, Vaclav Klaus, no relation to Santa, has been caught up in one of them hidden camera "stings" He has been caught red handed stealing a jeweled ink pen from the president of Chile.
Them Chilies live in South America, and I don't mean Alabama, it's a whole nother country. For our president to steal their ink pen is pretty embarrassing, but it explains a lot. At the school where I teach English, my pens is always disappearing! I reckon it just comes natural to czechs.
So, I will stop getting angry when my favorite blue pen vanishes, or when my red pen I needs to correct tests with ain't there no more.

Oops, it's just been explained to me by a fellow teacher that it ain't theivery, it's magic! The czech just like to do a little magic and make the pen dematerialize. That's why he's smiling so much. Later on when the Chilly president notices it's gone, slick ol' Klaus will say," What's that in your nose?"
Then he'll pull the pen out and everybody will have a good laugh. Now, that's what I call a statesman!

video here

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